follow you

Hello hello!!

Today I'm celebrating Friday and Day 4 of 31 Days of Typography by sharing a fave font and a song I'm really loving right now.  As pictured above, the font "Neou" is a ton of fun to use and is a free download here!  I'm crazy about how many different looks you can get from one typeface.  If I had to choose a favorite style from the above, I'd have to go with the outlined variation, but the thin style is just a short step behind in my book.

And now let's talk about "Follow You" by the super-great Ben Rector.  If you haven't heard it yet, go ahead and do yourself a favor and click this.  And then prepare yourself to hit that replay button about 12 times.  I'm a big fan of all Ben's music in general, but this one is at the very top of my list right now.  I've been working on a ton of escort and place cards for October weddings this week, and you better believe this song is being played in the background while I work.

Hope your Friday is da bomb and the rest of the weekend is even better!

xo, Caitlin

Day 1: Bolt Day 2: Bloomington Brewing Co Day 3: 58